105 groups around the world

Welcome, hacks and hackers! We now have 105 groups listed on the website, thanks to our newest, Havana:

groups page

Plus we have renewed interest in starting chapters in the eastern and southern parts of Europe. Do you know any journos or hackers in Athens, Dusseldorf, or Belgrade? Let them know we're looking for co-organizers.

The week ahead:

Worth a read:

  • A Univision editor experienced success sharing news via WhatsApp during Hurricane Irma, despite the app being little used in the U.S. (NiemanLab)
  • Facebook will start to disclose who purchases political ads on Facebook pages (Verge)
  • A new project by the GroundTruth Project, the Lenfest Institute and Google News Lab is trying to mobilize a thousand journalists in undercovered areas of the U.S. (Poynter)

Job openings:

Location Employer Opening
Anywhere OCCRP Investigative data developer
Anywhere OCCRP Front-end developer
Belgium Politico Tech editor
China AP Video journalist
India Hindustan Times Data reporter
UK IBTimes Tech reporter
UK NYTimes Newsletter editor
UK Bloomberg Live content producer
UK BBC Senior data journalists
US BuzzFeed Data reporter
US Texas Tribune Data visualization fellow
US MarketWatch Tech reporter

Upcoming events:

Month Day City Country Event
September 25-29 Porto Alegre Brazil SET Universitário communications conference
October 4-5 New York USA Future of Storytelling Summit
October 5-7 DC USA Online News Association ONA Conference
October 12-13 Columbia USA Revenue Models That Work
October 13-14 Evanston USA Computer + Journalism Symposium
October 20-21 College Park USA Journalism Interactive Conference
October 25 London UK MisinfoCon at MozFest
October 27-29 London UK MozFest open web festival
November 5-8 Chicago USA Science of Innovation Summit for Journalists
November 11-13 Berlin Germany OpenCon for open access to education
November 15-17 Tbilisi Georgia DataFest Tbilisi 2017
November 16-19 Johannesburg South Africa Global Investigative Journalism Conference (GIJC)
November 24-26 Tunis Tunisia New media conference
December 7-8 Philadelphia USA OpenNews' SRCCON:WORK

Project funding:

Deadline Fund
Rolling MisinfoCon micro-grant
Rolling Solutions Journalism Network Freelance Fund
September Nieman Foundation visiting fellowships
October Innovative Regions of Russia Golden Stylus award