Apply for the Stanford Knight fellowship

Get ready, hacks and hackers! The year is wrapping up and the year-end roundups are on their way. It's also your last week to apply for the Stanford JSK Fellowship.

It also means the Hacks/Hackers global call is coming up. Don't miss your chance to join the last planning call of the twenty-teens.

Worth a read:

  • Thanksgiving travel, public transport and data viz beyond pie charts: check out GIJN's Top 10 in Data Journalism for the last week of November (GIJN)
  • Three digital media outlets in Venezuela are joining forces to create a consortium they're calling Rebel Alliance Investigates (Knight Center)
  • The founder of BuzzFeed says governments and social platforms alike are making more of an effort to control viral content (New York Magazine)

Upcoming events:

Month Day City Country Event
December 6 Munich Germany News Impact Summit: Identity and Inclusion in Local News
December 13-15 Kyiv Ukraine Conference on Investigative Journalism
February 18-20 Chiang Mai Thailand Splice Asian Media Conference
March 5-8 New Orleans US NICAR Conference
March 20-21 Boston US Computation + Journalism Symposium
March 20-22 Boston US Power of Narrative
April 1-5 Perugia Italy International Journalism Conference
May 14-17 Mechelen Belgium EIJC & Dataharvest
June 2-5 Seoul South Korea International Anti-Corruption Conference
June 9-12 Heredia Costa Rica RightsCon
June 18-21 National Harbor US IRE Conference
June 24-27 Oslo Norway Global Fact 7

Job openings:

Location Employer Opening
Hong Kong South China Morning Post Data engineer
UK Evening Standard Video journalist
US WSJ Graphics Editor
US WSJ Full-stack developer
US Financial Times Elections data journalist
US Hearst Newsroom developer
US Politico Deputy tech editor

Other opportunities:

Deadline Fund
December 4 Apply for Stanford journalism fellowship
December 13 Submit student data viz examples and get free conference entry
December 13 Apply for European Press Prize
April 3-5 Information Ethics Roundtable in Boston
Rolling ECFJ grants for stories on elections, AI, disinformation, etc.
Rolling Solutions Journalism Network Freelance Fund
Rolling Ukraine Media Development Fund
Rolling Contest fees for submitting solutions stories