Apply to teach about online freedom of expression

Hello, hacks and hackers! The Open Technology Fund is looking for fellows for its Digital Integrity Fellowship Program, which provides monthly stipends to individuals who can help address threats to freedom of expression online in communities and organizations.

The fellowship program is open to international candidates, and the deadline to apply is July 15. You can find more specific info about the program here.

And a reminder that our monthly global call is this Wednesday. Please join in if you have any questions, announcements or just want to say hi!

Happening this week:

Worth a read:

  • A new Pew study analyzing Facebook news photos found that they feature men far more than women in them, especially in news about the economy (Pew Research Center)
  • Pyodide is a new experimental tool by Mozilla to be able to use Python and some of its data science packages within the browser (Mozilla)
  • Despite all Facebook’s problems with fake news (and user privacy, among other things), billions of people continue to use it, and many don’t think fake news affects them like it does others (NiemanLab)

Upcoming events:

Month Day City Country Event
June 1-3 Glasgow UK World News Media Conference
June 11-14 Tunis Tunisia RightsCon Tunis
June 13-15 Athens Greece GEN Summit
June 13-16 Houston US Investigative Reporters & Editors Conference
June 19-21 Cape Town South Africa Global Fact-Checking Summit
June 27-29 Sao Paulo Brazil 14th Abraji Conference
June 28-29 Bangkok Thailand Mobile Journalism Conference Asia
July 1-2 Malaga Spain European Data and Computational Journalism Conference
July 1-5 Lausanne Switzerland World Conference of Science Journalists
July 4-6 London UK Investigative Journalism Summer Conference
July 9-10 Lisbon Portugal News Impact Academy: Diversify Your Revenue Streams
July 11-12 Minneapolis, MN US SRCCON
July 19-21 Toronto Canada International Conference on Social Media & Society
August 6-10 Accra Ghana PyCon Africa
September 12-14 New Orleans US Online News Association Conference
September 26-27 Copenhagen Denmark News Impact Academy: Newsroom Leadership
September 26-29 Hamburg Germany Global Investigative Journalist Conference
October 4 Cambridge, MA US Workshop on Disinformation at Harvard
October 4-5 London UK Conference for Truth and Trust Online
October 7 Birmingham UK News Impact Summit: A New Era for Climate Change Reporting
October 21-22 Bucharest Romania News Impact Academy: What Analytics Matter in 2019
October 28-30 Johannesburg South Africa African Investigative Journalism Conference
November 15 Lyon France News Impact Summit: Covering Politics in the Misinformation Age
December 6 Munich Germany News Impact Summit: Identity and Inclusion in Local News

Job openings:

Location Employer Opening
Russia Le Courrier de Russie Web Designer/Integrator
US Chalkbeat Managing Editor for Style and Standards
US Emerson College One-year Term Faculty
US LION Publishers Director of Membership
US LION Publishers Director of Programming
US MIT Technology Review Reporter, Space
US Data and Investigative Projects Editor
US The Register-Guard Community Engagement Editor

Other opportunities:

Deadline Fund
June Raif Badawi Award for human rights coverage in muslim majority countries
June Project funding from UN around media, women, rule of law & human rights in Jordan
June Pitch your story ideas to The African Academy of Sciences
July Digital Integrity Fellowship Program
July Nominate work for the Free Press Awards
August Nominate work for the AAAS Science Journalism Awards
Rolling Solutions Journalism Network Freelance Fund
Rolling Ukraine Media Development Fund
Rolling Contest fees for submitting solutions stories