Newsletter: Want AI to be more inclusive? Just ask it to be like Curious George. Updates from the AI for Equity: Tackling Harmful Bias in the Information Ecosystem hackathon in Baltimore.
AI Hackathon for Equity: Tackling Harmful Bias in the Information Ecosystem How AI might overcome bias by taking a moment to understand context rather than rushing to respond.
“Brace yourself. The first AI elections are here.” A Q&A with Ilana Strauss, founder of News Detective, a project incubated by Hacks/Hackers.
Newsletter: Building a more inclusive Al future in Baltimore In this week's newsletter: An "AI for equity" hackathon in Baltimore, plus links to journalism jobs and events.
Newsletter: How do journalists imagine the newsroom of 2030? The newsroom of 2030 is a collaboration of experts in journalism, engineering, product development, data science and ethics.
Paul Cheung Joins Hacks/Hackers as Advisor Paul Cheung will join Hacks/Hackers as a strategic advisor. Cheung is a mission-driving executive dedicated to creating a healthier information ecosystem. His career, extending over two decades, showcases a commitment to leading digital innovation within the media sector, including pioneering work in AI, VR/AR, combating misinformation and launching