Call for Proposals - Improving Information Credibility With Tech

Since 2010, Hacks/Hackers has supported projects that bring journalism and technology closer together. Our events and grants have reached tens of thousands of working journalists and technologists around the world. In 2023, we’re focused on two key priorities: working with news organizations around the rise of generative AI and the continued challenges of global misinformation.

We have a small amount of funding that we’d like to distribute in micro-grants, to individuals and organizations who want to research or test the ways new tech tools can advance global credibility. The ideal candidates are projects, pilots or proofs-of-concept that require small amounts of funding to complete, and that advance our core mission of building a stronger, tech-enabled global journalism ecosystem.

Who should apply?

Individuals, nonprofits and forprofits are all eligible. Proposed projects should clearly demonstrate a link to advancing journalism, addressing misinformation issues, and innovative uses of technology. Research projects are eligible - please tell us how your research relates to innovations in technology that will help working journalists. All applicants must commit to sharing their results publicly for the benefit of the broader journalism/tech ecosystem.

How much will we offer?

Up to $10,000 USD per project.

How many grants do we have available?

We’re hoping to select at least 2 projects and no more than 4.


January 31, 2024. But we encourage teams to apply early - we’ll start awarding grants on a rolling basis once the call opens, and will notify all applicants if they’ve been accepted by mid-February 2024.

How to Apply?

Please fill out our application here.

The form will ask for the following information:

  1. A brief description of the project: what do you hope to achieve?
  2. A list of the people on the project team and their roles.
  3. A timeline for finishing the project, including any key deliverables.
  4. A rough budget indicating how much funding you are asking for and how you plan to spend it.
  5. Whether or not you plan to raise additional funding for this project.
  6. A brief explanation of how this project advances our mission of improving global information credibility and/or advancing journalism.
  7. A brief explanation of what makes this project innovative.

If you have further questions, please reach out to