Connect events SF, London, NYC | Spotlight on LA | Group events in Santiago, Halifax, Philly

Hacks/Hackers Connect, the launchpad event series for news-media entrepreneurs developed in partnership with Google News Labs, is on the road again. Mark your calendars now for the next three events:


Until then…

The week ahead:

  • Hacks/Hackers Vancouver holds its inaugural media startup showcase.
  • The São Paulo group discusses infographics with Beatriz Blanco at its next gathering.
  • Hacks/Hackers Santiago hosts a day-long event about using public government spending data.
  • In New York, the group holds lightning talks and panel discussion on “the challenges of encouraging civil discourse: the product decisions, the engineering challenges and the whole crazy ball of wax that is human conversation.”
  • Hacks/Hackers London’s November meetup includes hearing from Buzzfeed UK editor-in-chief Janine Gibson.
  • As part of the WordCamp US Community Summit, Hacks/Hackers **Philly **is co-hosting a meetup about the intersections of WordPress and media.
  • Another new group launching (woohoo!) – this one in Halifax, Nova Scotia. (Now try saying “Hacks/Hackers Halifax” five times fast.)

Job openings:

None to report this week. If you have an open position, send it our way!

Group spotlight: Hacks/Hackers Los Angeles

The LA group began its reboot just a few weeks ago, and already held a great event where people from the L.A. Times data desk talked through their process for a few projects. You can see the slides or watch a few videos from the event (thanks to Ben Welsh for sharing).

Worth a read:

**Call to action: **

In honor of U.S. Thanksgiving, today’s call to action is simply this: Say thanks to whoever makes your Hacks/Hackers experience wonderful. Maybe that’s an organizer, or a coworker who invited you to your first event, or someone who always shows up smiling. Our Hacks/Hackers community is made up of thousands of thoughtful, dedicated people, and thanks to each of you for being a part of it.

See you next week.

Produced by Julia Haslanger. Say hi: @JuliaJRH

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