Connect London took place last weekend; NYC is already sold out

Greetings hacks and hackers, the Connect series is rolling onward like a behemoth and all over the world, individual groups are holding get-togethers and learning new skills. Let’s take a look at what’s coming up:

The week ahead:

Group spotlight:

London hosted an enormous Connect event last weekend. More than 100 entrepreneurs and mentors gathered to kickstart media startups. Nick Duxbury wrote up his observations on Medium, expressing his surprise at how entrepreneurial journalists were.

“No hacks I spoke with talked about money. Some didn’t mention tech. Most seemed focused on finding ways to viably produce high quality journalism of social importance (notably *not* necessarily popular content) without commercial compromises.”

Registration is already full for Connect in New York City February 26-27. But join the waiting list if you’re going to be in the area! And if you’re not, follow along at #hhconnect.

Worth a read:

Job openings:

Call to action:

I’m looking for job postings over hill and dale, but we want to make sure we don’t miss any openings that needs filling with a hack or hacker. Share the love and email job postings to or tweet at us!