Get hands-on data visualization training at Newscamp

From intricate interactive maps to stunning visualizations, news organizations like The New York Times and Washington Post make data come alive for readers. Join Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE), in partnership with Hacks/Hackers, for NewsCamp on Feb. 24 in Raleigh, N.C., and you too can learn from the best in the business — whether you’re a rank beginner, or experienced designer/developer.

This daylong workshop will tackle subjects ranging from storytelling without words to best practices and emerging technologies. But it’s more than talk: You’ll spend the afternoon in small hands-on sessions learning how to put these theories into practice. You’ll walk away from NewsCamp with new knowledge and skills you can use right away.

Expected speakers include Martin Wattenberg, co-leader of Google’s “Big Picture” data visualization group and co-creator of Many Eyes; Michal Migurski, chief technologist of Stamen; Amanda Cox of The New York Times; Jeff Larson of ProPublica; Len De Groot of Knight Digital Media Center; and more. Hands-on sessions will be held for seasoned developers (using R to visualize data, JavaScript and more) and for those new to programming (Google Fusion Tables, timelines and instant visualization tools).

Registration for the daylong event is limited and costs only $100. Deadline to register at that price is Feb. 14, but space is limited.

NewsCamp is being held in conjunction with IRE’s Computer-Assisted Reporting Conference,Feb. 24-27, and you can attend NewsCamp and the CAR Conference for a total of $195 (until noon Central Time, Feb. 14). Registration will be available after the deadline, but at a higher rate.

For more information and to register for NewsCamp, click here. For details on the entire CAR Conference and to register, click here. If you’d like to split a hotel room, post your request to the NICAR forum.