Dublin (and others) traverse the digital frontier

Greetings, hacks and hackers. By the time you read this next newsletter, the American president will have been chosen (finally), so let’s take a look at what other countries are up to in the meantime.

Hacks/Hackers Dublin is promoting the Investigative Journalism on the Digital Frontier Conference taking place in Ireland, but they’re not the only ones pushing digital boundaries this weekend. Buenos Aires, a veritable hotbed of hackathons, is holding its first hackathon on “institutional violence,” a threat to human rights in Latin America and everywhere.

The week ahead:

  • Singapore is taking on 3D graphics
  • Dublin is attending the Investigative Journalism on the Digital Frontier Conference
  • Buenos Aires is hosting its first hackathon on institutional violence
  • Miami is holding its regular OpenHack Miami
  • IRE in Missouri is holding its weekly meeting
  • South Wales is holding its first event

Group spotlight:

Taipei went a pretty ambitious route with its very first meetup last month: they held a QGIS workshop with two instructors and a pretty full turnout

Hacks/Hackers groups are always striving to find the best way to communicate with members and organize events. For their part, co-organizers Silva Shih and Kirby Wu made a variety of online homes for the group, including a Twitter, website and Github. Future months will hopefull indicate which are the most useful and popular.

Worth a read:

Job openings:

Other upcoming events: