Grants still available for local events

Hey, hacks and hackers! You may notice a few events in the week ahead are involved in the fight against misinformation. That's because H/H is offering small grants to local groups who want to do a misinformation-related event.

There is still a hefty pile of money in the pot, so please apply:

The week ahead:

Worth a read:

  • Squares are out, circles are in, web designers say. Or at least squares with rounded corners. (The Ringer)
  • If Americans are considering the media more and more untrustworthy, according to recent polls, why are librarians experiencing the reverse? (Poynter)
  • The Bell and other news startups in Russia are trying to find business models that can resist influence by the Kremlin (Calvert Journal)

Job openings:

Location Employer Opening
Anywhere Blockchain News Publisher
Japan LinkedIn Senior news editor
Russia Moskovsky Komsomolets Front-end developer
UK CNN Motion graphics intern
US KABB Investigative/data producer
US CNN Tech editor
US Business Insider Tech reporter
US Poynter Multimedia designer
US By the Bay Developer-designer
US NBC Dataviz engineer

Upcoming events:

Month Day City Country Event
February 7-9 Guayaquil Ecuador Off the Record social journalism workshop
February 27-28 New York NY Digital Strategy Innovation Summit for publishers
March 3 Everywhere Everywhere Open Data Day
March 7 London UK The Guardian Changing Media Summit
March 7 London UK Newsrewired digital journalism conference
March 8-9 London UK Digital Media Strategies event
March 8-11 Chicago US NICAR data journalism conference
March 10-15 Austin US SXSW technology festival
March 15-17 Stockholm Sweden NODA Nordic data journalism conference
March 21-23 Vail US DigiDay Publishing Summit
March 23-25 Boston US The Power of Narrative conference
March 30-1 Boston US Journalism unConference
April 11-15 Perugia Italy International Journalism Conference
April 13-14 Austin USA ISOJ International Symposium on Online Journalism
April 19-22 Montreal Canada The International Conference on Narrative
April 21 Montreal Canada Data Visualization on Mobile Devices workshop
May 3-4 Accra Ghana UNESCO World Press Freedom Day
May 16-18 Toronto Canada RightsCon journalism security conference
May 24-27 Mechelen Belgium Dataharvest European investigative journalism symposium
May 30-1 Oakland USA Code for America summit

Project funding:

Deadline Fund
Rolling MisinfoCon micro-grants
Rolling Solutions Journalism Network Freelance Fund
Rolling Ukraine Media Development Fund
January OpenNews ticket+travel scholarship
January Global Editors Network Startups for News
February International Fact-Checking Network Fact Forward funding
February Community Listening and Engagement Fund
March MENA prize for media entrepreneurship