Hacks/Hackers Austin Recap – Lingo Swap for Journos and Programmers

For the last meeting of 2010, Hacks/Hackers ATX hosted a lingo swap, or a terminology and process exchange, between journalists and programmers. Representing journalists was Matt Stiles of the Texas Tribune. Matt started things off by explaining what concepts like source and script mean to journalists, and demystified terms like lede and beat. Later, Mattt Thompson (yes, that’s 3 t’s), a developer from Gowalla, discussed some basic programming concepts that all communicators should know. It was a great exercise in common understanding. Many thanks to both presenters! Presentations are provided below, and part of Mattt Thompson’s presentation is included as video.

This was our 4th event since starting the group this fall. We’ve had great participation so far, and I hope that will continue into next year. Look for our next meeting sometime in late January. If you have any ideas for programming, or would like to give a presentation yourself, please contact Cindy Royal (clroyal [at] gmail).

Have a great holiday and see you in 2011.

More photos on the Meetup page.
