Hacks/Hackers and other groups embrace conference season

Greetings, hacks and hackers. In case you haven’t noticed, summer might as well be called conference season. Last week, Connect and Dataharvest brought journalists together in Brussels. Next up for North America, IRE comes to New Orleans, SRC CON to Portland and Connect Toronto. Let’s take a look at what individual group have been up to.

The week ahead:

Group spotlight:


Connect Brussels brought 60 aspiring media entrepreneurs to Europe’s capital. Check out the photo gallery, courtesy of a professional photographer, on Facebook here.

<fb:post href="https://www.facebook.com/hhbru/photos/a.1131172120257452.1073741827.157790107595663/1131180170256647/?type=3&theater"></fb:post>

Organizers said the event helped to revitalize the Brussels group, and Camille Pollie said she and others in Brussels will be organizing regular events for the Brussels group from here on.

“What I’ve learned is that it’s better to inspire people (in) the Hacks/Hackers community via regular events rather than organising a one-off event. We noticed that there is a big need for a more active Brussels Hacks/Hackers community. So after our event we’ve decided to resurrect the Hacks/Hackers community in Brussels and we’re trying to plan our first event.”

Worth a read:

Job openings:

Other events coming up:

  • June 16-19 – New Orleans, USA – Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE) conference
  • June 17-18 – Berlin, GermanyPopathon, a media hackathon
  • July 28-29 – Portland, Oregon, USASRC CON, a Mozilla conference for journalist coders
  • July 29-31 – Atlanta, USAWomen Who Code hackathon