Hacks/Hackers ATX – 7 Awesome Examples of Writing About Data

For the July meeting of Hacks/Hackers Austin, Kristen Carney of Cubit Planning discussed 7 Awesome Examples of Writing About Data That Will Drive Eyeballs To Your Site. Covering a variety of tools, Carney demonstrated the value of seven examples: landing pages, data disproving an accepted truth, analysis of social media, tweets about data, infographics, data about everyday stuff and data about making money.

And Gregory Foster of Consumers Union, recently returned from the 2011 Civic Media Conference at MIT, covered some of the winners of the Knight News Challenge. Watch video of both presentations.

Thanks to the Texas Tribune for hosting the meeting, Niran Babalola for organizing the programming and Jennie Chen of Miso Hungry for providing the snacks. The next meeting is scheduled for August 2. Details to come on our Meetup site.