Hacks/Hackers Austin June Meetup: Integrating Tech Skills in Your Communications Career

Join Hacks/Hackers Austin on June 7 for a panel discussion on ways to integrate tech skills in a communications career. Four recent grads will discuss their positions at the Statesman, Austin Post, Texas Tribune and Facebook. They will share their experiences in using technology in their jobs and personal lives, what they learned in school, what they wish they had learned and how they acquire the skills they need. The panel will be moderated by Travis Swicegood (@tswicegood), a developer at Texas Tribune, who will provide the context of how technology is shaping processes in the modern newsroom.

For Hacks, this panel will offer tips for how you can gain and use tech skills to work in a communications environment. For Hackers, it’ll help you understand some of the technical challenges for media. And the panel will also provide some ideas for ways to improve communications curricula to include technology topics. We hope to have a wide audience of communicators, programmers, educators, students and recent graduates for a lively discussion. Please spread the word.

Panelists include:

  • Maira Garcia (@mairalg), Content Producer, Statesman – Maira has Master’s and undergraduate degrees in journalism from Texas State University. Maira has extensive multimedia experience, having served as editor of The University Star and a contributor to MTV’s Choose or Lose Campaign in 2008.
  • Scott Thomas (@scott_leighton), Tech/Business Reporter, Austin Post – Scott graduated from Texas State in 2010 with a journalism degree, where served as both Editor and Web Editor of the University Star.
  • Ryan Murphy (@rdmurphy), Data Reporter, Texas Tribune – Ryan graduated from The University of Texas in 2010 with a journalism degree, where he served as the Web Editor for the Daily Texan.
  • Maggie Cook (@maggiecook), User Operations Analyst, Facebook – Maggie graduated from Hope College in Michigan in 2010 with a major in Psychology and has worked for Facebook in Austin since last September. She will provide some insight to the panel on positions that liberal arts and communication majors are performing at tech companies.

Please RSVP.

We’ll be at the Statesman again, starting at 6:30pm on June 7th. We need a refreshment sponsor, so if your organization would like to do so or if you know of a food establishment willing to donate, please let Cindy Royal know (croyal [at] txstate.edu).

Hope to see you on the 7th.