Hacks/Hackers Chicago + Chicago Python Users Group on 4/14

The Chicago Tribune News Applications team wants to introduce hacks to hackers, thus hosting the April meeting of the Chicago Python Users Group (ChiPy, http://chipy.org) and planning an agenda that should be of crossover interest to journalists and coders alike.

Time: Thursday, April 14, 2011 7 pm

Place: Tribune Tower, 435 N Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL

The main event will be a reprise of Christopher Groskopf‘s PyCon 2011 talk, “Best Practices for Impossible Deadlines,” where he provides a general overview of how the Tribune NewsApps team has developed its methodology for building applications at the speed of news.

Also on the agenda:

  • Jason Grotto (Chicago Tribune) and Jeff Kelly Lowenstein (Hoy, formerly Chicago Reporter) will present brief case studies of computer assisted reporting projects they’ve done, explaining the theory and practice of finding stories in data
  • Larry Adams and Nate Nichols will present the how and why of using Python to create domain specific languages (DSLs) as part of Narrative Science’s algorithmic news production process.

Lightning talks: each speaker has exactly five minutes to present on any topic of likely interest to the audience. News Apps team members will be presenting on projects, tools and/or tricks of the trade. You can present as well!

If you’re interested in presenting a lightning talk on anything pertinent to news and technology, please send an email to <[masked]> — only people who make contact before the event will be allowed to present, and if we get too much advance interest, we may need to subject the list of topics to some kind of vote.

Don’t be shy, five minutes is not long—you probably have something interesting to share. ADVANCE RSVP IS REQUIRED in order to gain admission to Tribune Tower. RSVP at http://meetupchicago.hackshackers.com/