Hacks/Hackers global call tomorrow

Welcome to September, hacks and hackers, and happy Labor Day to those laboring in the U.S. Tomorrow we’ll be holding our monthly global call at 1500 GMT. Please join in!

The week ahead:

  • New York is featuring new journalism endeavors on its eighth Demo Day
  • Miami is holding its regular OpenHack Miami
  • IRE in Missouri is holding its weekly meeting
  • It’s another #HacktheConstitution day in Johannesburg

Group spotlight:

Rosario, a group in Argentina, hopped on the Media Party train last week to present a series of lightning talks on search engine hacks. It was a follow-up to a session they had on search engines last month. Mauricio Viola, the organizer, said search engines are a topic that any group could take on, as long as they tailor it to their communities.

“For example, in Rosario, our city, journalists who investigate drug trafficking have very few tools and need programmers, data journalists and search specialists or search engines that help them find information that’s journalistically and investigatively valuable.”

Viola said the Rosario group hopes to help replicate these search engine hacking events in different locations around the world.

Worth a read:

  • Reported.ly, an experimental social media and news verification site, is shutting down due to loss of funding from its parent company, a media startup (Reported.ly)
  • The Texas Tribune, another media startup, successfully crowdfunded its reporting on police shootings in Texas (Beacon)
  • There are dozens of platforms for news to be published on, these days, and one of them is Alexa, Amazon’s conversation robot (Nieman Lab)
  • Jerry Mitchell, a famed reporter in Mississippi, shared some tips for investigating cold cases, including gathering handwritten documents and digitizing them (Poynter)

Job openings:

Other upcoming events: