Hacks/Hackers holds more than 40 events in May

Welcome to May, hacks and hackers. Miami is gearing up for its highly anticipated Connect event next weekend, with Brussels coming up next month. Go here to express your interest in attending, or follow along at #hhconnect.

The week ahead:

  • Miami is holding its regular Monday OpenHack
  • IRE will hold its regular Wednesday lab
  • Miami will also be hosting the <a href="{{< tweet 725230791693766656 >}}”>6th Connect event next weekend
  • Johannesburg is holding #HacktheConstitution

Group spotlight:

Brisbane, Australia, held its April meetup last week, focusing on how to wrestle great storytelling out of mountains of text.

Co-organizer Simon Elvery, who helped re-launch the group earlier this year, said they’ve had most success finding sponsors by engaging with the community, especially through meetups coordinated with other groups.

”Essentially it was just through announcement at the first meetup. One of the speakers at the first event asked his employer about sponsoring H/H. We’ve also attempted to get sponsorship through directly sending a proposal to a local industry group. We’ve received some level of interest in sponsoring, but no agreement yet.”

Worth a read:

Job openings: