Hacks/Hackers in the spotlight this month

Guess what, hacks and hackers!  You're in the news. This month, the Stirling News, The Times and The Scotsman all profiled MisinfoCon and H/H, due to MisinfoConX Scotland happening this week.

You can follow MisinfoConX thoughts at #MisinfoConXSco. Plus, the Data Journalism Awards tapped H/H Taipei to talk about key trends in data reporting this year:

Happening this week:

Worth a read:

  • This New Yorker essay summarizes the history of journalism from the 1800s to the present day and muses on how differently modern orgs choose their stories and fund their newsrooms (New Yorker)
  • We talk a lot about all the fake news on the internet, but how much of the rest of the internet is fake? "Turns out, a lot of it, actually." (New York Magazine)
  • This Twitter thread from a journalism professor explains why media layoffs keep happening from a largely economic standpoint (Jeremy Littau, Lehigh University)

Upcoming events:

Month Day City Country Event
January 28-30 Orlando US DCN Next: Summit
January 31 Stirling Scotland MisinfoConX Scotland
February 1-2 Miami US Computation + Journalism Symposium
February 10-12 Phoenix US IAB Leadership Meeting
February 19-20 Stanford US Data on Purpose
March 4-8 San Francisco US RSA Conference
March 6-7 Dubai United Arab Emirates WAN-IFRA Middle East Conference
March 7-10 Newport Beach US CAR Conference
March 23 - 24 Cairo Egypt Arab Data Journalist’s Network Conference
April 1-2 Vienna Austria Digital Media Europe
April 1-5 Valencia Spain Internet Freedom Festival
April 4-5 Gdańsk Poland Personal Democracy Forum
April 3-7 Perugia Italy International Journalism Festival
April 5-6 Kalmar Sweden GRAV Swedish Investigative Journalism Conference
April 5-7 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia World Conference on Media and Mass Communication
April 8-10 Lisbon Portugal IPTC Spring Meeting
April 12-13 Austin US International Symposium on Online Journalism
April 30-1 San Jose US Facebook Developer Conference
May 2-3 Addis Ababa Ethiopia UNESCO World Press Freedom Day
May 13-17 San Francisco US The Web Conference
May 16-19 Mechelen Belgium European Investigative Journalism Conference
May 17-19 Prague Czech Republic Wikimedia Hackathon
May 24-28 Washington, D.C. US ICA Conference
May 27-28 Bonn Germany DW Global Media Forum
June 1-3 Glasgow UK World News Media Conference
June 11-14 Tunis Tunisia RightsCon Tunis
June 13-15 Athens Greece GEN Summit
June 13-16 Houston US Investigative Reporters & Editors Conference
June 19-21 Cape Town South Africa Global Fact-Checking Summit
July 19-21 Toronto Canada International Conference on Social Media & Society

Job openings:

Location Employer Opening
Anywhere Sift Freelance Data Journalists/Researchers
Anywhere FiscalNote Senior DevOps Engineer
Anywhere Our World in Data Designer
US Conde Nast Software Engineer
US The Dallas Morning News Full Stack Developer
US FiscalNote Senior DevOps Engineer
US FiscalNote Senior Software Engineer, Back-End
US FiscalNote Senior Android Engineer
US FiscalNote Senior Software Engineer, Web Apps
US FiscalNote Vice President, Engineering
US FiscalNote Senior Product Manager
US FiscalNote Vice President, Product
US FiveThirtyEight Deputy Editor, Graphics
US Group Nine Media Product Manager
US Hearken Product Manager
US Industry Dive Interactive Designer
US Industry Dive Full-Stack Engineer
US Modern Healthcare Information Technology Reporter
US Mother Jones Data Journalist
US NPR Product Designer
US Quartz Data Engineer
US Quartz Senior Android Engineer
US Quartz Senior Backend Engineer
US Quartz DevOps Engineer
US Quartz AI Studio Fellow
US Quartz Senior iOS Engineer
US Quartz Android Engineer
US Quartz Backend Engineer
US Quartz Product Designer
US Quartz Data Analyst
US San Francisco Chronicle Interactive Developer
US Seattle Times Data Journalist
US Seattle Times Product Software Engineer
US Simons Foundation Data Reporter
US Vigilant Data Manager
US Vigilant Product Manager

Other opportunities**:**

Deadline Fund
Rolling Solutions Journalism Network Freelance Fund
Rolling Ukraine Media Development Fund
Rolling Contest fees for submitting solutions stories
January Nominate a journalist from an Arab country for a data journalism award
January RJI 2019 Fellowships
January Stanford Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence Fellowships
February Apply for data journalism and storytelling training in Iraq
February Become a Report for America corps member
April Data Journalism Awards for free trip to Athens for GEN Summit