Hacks/Hackers LA Data event, Thursday Dec. 16

The first ever proper Hacks/Hackers Los Angeles event is coming up this Thursday, December 16. Its on the topic of Data—finding it, making sense of it, visualizing it, telling stories with it. And we’ve got four awesome speakers lined up.

Thursday, 12/16


Crawford Family Forum at KPCC

474 South Raymond Avenue

Pasadena, CA 91105

RSVP on Meetup

The event will include four panelists, ranging from developers to artists, to talk us through the processes and philosophies of data visualization. Each panelist gets 10 minutes, then we’ll open it up for discussion.

Our speakers lineup includes:

  • Ben Welsh, Database Producer, Los Angeles Times
  • Mark Hansen, Professor of Statistics, UCLA
  • Diego Prats, Co-founder and CEO, Border Stylo
  • Casey Reas, Professor of Digital Media Arts, UCLA

We encourage both Hacks and Hackers (journalists, designers, developers, programmers, entrepreneurs, photographers, editors, educators, and general tech enthusiasts!) to come out and enjoy the free refreshments and engage in what we expect to be a very interesting conversation.

And in honor of the holiday spirit, we ask that you bring new kids/teens clothes or toys for our charity drive supporting Union Metro Homeless Services’ “Holiday Dinners in the Park.”

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact one of our organizers:

Casey Caplowe, GOOD Magazine

Eric Zassenhaus, KPCC

Lauren Rabaino, Publish2