Hacks/Hackers Southwest/South Wales launches in the UK

Happy Friday, hacks and hackers, and welcome to post-U.S. election life. Many of us have been living it for well over a year – perhaps two – and it’s time to move on to newer challenges.

The week ahead:

Group spotlight:

Hacks/Hackers Southwest/South Wales launched last week in the UK, with a two-way talk from the BBC’s News Lab and the UK’s Office for National Statistics.

H/H SWxSW kept the momentum going by sharing ever bit of code, presentation and talk online. Check out their Twitter:

Worth a read:

  • Polls and predictive data models were largely unsuccessful in predicting the U.S. election, possibly because journalists weren’t combining data with other reporting (Digiday)
  • Mark Zuckerberg is still denying the idea that Facebook affected the election by propagating fake news (BuzzFeed)
  • Sunlight Labs, which created many powerful open gov tools in the U.S., officially shut down this week (Sunlight Foundation)
  • The Minneapolis Star-Tribune survived the digital revolution and came out the other side even more empowered, thanks to – among other things – maintaining print as a priority (Poynter)
  • Brazilian newspapers have actually gained record audiences after instituting paywalls (Knight Center)

Job openings:

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