Introducing Hacks/Hackers Buenos Aires. Latin America, here we come!

You can also read this post in Spanish. (We’ve gone bilingual!)

The first meeting of Hacks/Hackers Buenos Aires, Argentina will be on April 28, 2011 at 6.30 p.m. at AreaTres Workplace, Humboldt 2036 Buenos Aires.

The meeting will serve as an introduction to Hacks/Hackers, whose mission is to bring together journalists and technologists. It was originally founded in late 2009 by Burt Herman of Storify (and formerly the Associated Press), Rich Gordon of Northwestern, Aron Pilhofer of The New York Times. We will exchange information on digital tools for journalists and study the vision of developers and their contributions in their ability to handle large volumes of data.

In addition, our group plans to look at ambitious examples of digital journalism from The New York Times, ProPublica, The Guardian, among others. It will also discuss the tools available for journalists and programmers to work together, such as Storify, AudioBoo, Stroome, Google tools. We will also be showing some local examples, and give exclusive access to innovative services in digital communications. We will also be announcing new meetups during the year and will be calling companies and organizations that wish to join us.

In the few days since we’ve launched the Meetup group, we have had tons of comments and coverage on social networks, digital media and national newspapers. We’re proud of the quality of journalists and developers registered (already around 110!). Among them are media publishers and national newspapers editors, developers, hacktivists and communication responsible of social organizations interested in the subject.

The Hacks/Hackers BA is organized by Mariano Blejman (Página/12 Digital Culture Editor), Martin Sarsale (Sumavisos CTO), Cesar Miquel (Easytech CEO) and Guillermo Movia (Mozilla Argentina)

We say thanks! to AreaTres for supporting the initiative.

Twitter: @HacksHackersBA

Meetup: [

]15 Email: ba[at]hackshackers[dot]com