Investigative journalists gather in Asia, Africa, Middle East

Welcome to October, hacks and hackers! The Investigating Asia conference took place in Kathmandu last week, as did digital journalism convenings on practically every other continent.

While we’re still digesting the tips and tools from those events, investigative journalism conferences in Africa and the Middle East have already been announced for the upcoming months.

The week ahead:

Group spotlight:

Zurich took a peek at Switzerland’s brand new open data portal, Zurich has had success with holding meetups every other month or so, rather than every month. “It’s good to know some dates in advance so you can tease the next meetup at the current one,” organizer Timo Grossenbacher said.

“Do less better” is a tip that other organizers have offered before. Check out the guide on the Hacks/Hackers website.

Worth a read:

  • GIJN released a swath of tutorials and tipsheets from the Investigating Asia conference (GIJN)
  • FiveThrityEight is combining data analysis, political polls, podcasts and a live audience (CJR)
  • The New York Times was balancing conflicting interests of press freedom, public interest and privacy laws when it published some of presidential candidate Donald Trump’s tax returns (Washington Post)
  • NYT tech reporter Farhad Manjoo took a look at MailChimp, a startup that found success without Silicon Valley, venture capitalists or IPO hype (NYT)

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