Jakarta opens H/H group

Happy October, hacks and hackers! This month, a new group opens in Jakarta.

Stay updated with their upcoming events by joining their Meetup page, and spread the word to any hacks and hackers you know in Indonesia.

In the meantime, don't forget Scotland is holding its first Hacks/Hackers meetup as well.

Happening this week:

Worth a read:

  • With news from the Kavanaugh hearings saturating US social media feeds, a graphic from Vox analyzing unanswered questions went viral. Open News talked to Vox’s Alvin Chang about analyzing data in a text transcript on short notice. (OpenNews)
  • The European Parliament hosted a conference for fact-checking organizations to discuss collaboration with politicians ahead of the elections. But fact-checkers are wary of collaborating because of politicians’ limited self-awareness in fact checking practices, Poynter reports. (Poynter)
  • A report looking at Canadian newspapers showed that the number of news stories being published each day has been cut in half in the last decade. J-Source analyzed data from the report and wrote about ways Canadian print journalism landscape is changing. (J-Source)

Upcoming events:

Month Day City Country Event
October 12 Boston US AI, Media & the Threat to Democracy
October 12 Washington D.C. US Mind to Mind Symposium
October 15-17 Yerevan Armenia Drone journalism school
October 22-24 Copenhagen Denmark International Anti-Corruption Conference
October 22-28 London UK Mozilla Festival (MozFest)
October 25 London UK MisInfoCon London
October 25 London UK OpenNews Unconference on Journalism Tech
October 26-27 West Virginia US Missing Voices: Diversifying the News
November 1-2 Antalya Turkey Fact-Checking Summit
November 5 Johannesburg South Africa Fact-Checking Workshop
November 16-18 Philadelphia US News Foundry inaugural event
November 16-18 Austin US CredCon
December 8-9 Glasgow Scotland Creating the Media Scotland Deserves
December 13-14 Philadelphia US SRCCON: POWER
January 7-11 Amsterdam Netherlands Digital Methods Winter School
February 1-2 Miami US Computation + Journalism Symposium

Job openings:

Location Employer Opening
Jordan ARIJ Editor & Head of Data Desk
Ukraine Kyiv Post Website Editor
US Axios Visual Journalist, Data Visualization
US Bloomberg Graphics Internship
US Center for Public Integrity Knight Data Journalism Fellowship
US Creative Circle Mid & Senior UI Designers
US Creative Circle Web Application Developer, React Developer
US Dow Jones Product Management Intern
US Freedom of the Press Foundation Associate Site Reliability Engineer
US Group Nine Media Software Engineer
US Investigative Reporters & Editors Marketing & Communications Assistant
US Kansas City Business Journal Data Journalist
US Microsoft News Experience Manager
US ProPublica News Applications Developer
US The Real Deal News Researcher
US Reveal Editor-in-Chief
US The Washington Post Deputy Design Director

Project funding:

Deadline Fund
Rolling Solutions Journalism Network Freelance Fund
Rolling Ukraine Media Development Fund
Rolling Contest fees for submitting solutions stories
October AI Initiative challenge on news and information quality
October Local News Business Model Challenge
October Philadelphia news ecosystem collaboration grant
December Journalism scholarships for software developers
January Entrepreneurial Journalism cohort