Join the Hacks/Hackers August open call tomorrow

Welcome, hacks and hackers. We’ve already reached the end of July, a month that saw more than three dozen Hacks/Hackers meetups across the world. That’s more than one per day!

A new month also means a new global open call. Join us tomorrow at 1500 GMT!

Week ahead:

  • Miami is holding its regular OpenHack Miami
  • IRE in Missouri is holding its weekly meeting
  • Hacks/Hackers is holding its global open call

Group spotlight:

Uruguay hosted a panel last week to discuss making data projects that are both engaging and reusable. The group relaunched earlier this summer by holding their third annual DataCampUY. Organizer Manuel Podetti, who helped reboot the group, suggested groups try to hold regular events to keep the group active, perhaps leaning on other groups to help with planning.

“When you are planning a event, it’s good to organize it with other organizations. This allows you to add new people to H / H and learn from other communities.”

Worth a read:

Job openings:

Other upcoming events: