Journalism and the law in Nigeria

Greetings, hacks and hackers! The Nigeria group shared a video recording of their January meetup.

The event covered journalism and the law, and you can follow the group on Facebook.

Worth a read:

  • Edelman, a PR group, published its 22nd annual trust and credibility survey. The group found that nearly half of respondents believe the government and media are divisive forces in society, and that most respondents expect businesses to do more in addressing societal problems.
  • Sarah Palin's defamation suit against the New York Times is taking the divide between print and online - and Twitter - corrections and apologies into the courtroom.
  • The Hill wrote about how holding tech companies like Facebook accountable is not enough to fix widespread disinformation. The authors argue the U.S. also needs to invest in government efforts to educate citizens about life online with cross-sector collaboration to create and deploy new cyber citizenship tools.

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