The latest and greatest in audience insights

It's here, hacks and hackers! The Reuters Digital News Report is out for 2021, with deep insights on media consumption and trust around the world.

Plus: Code for Africa is hosting a release party on the report's findings in Nigeria. You can join the general conversation on the #DNR2021 hashtag.

Happening this week:

Worth a read:

  • Pretty much any dataset obtained for a story is going to be messy at least in some way. So why hasn't data cleaning been automated, at least as an open source tool?
  • Social media platforms use an array of tools to fight misinformation and harassment: deplatforming, demonetizing, banning and blocking are just a few of the options. The Partnership on AI published a recent summary of the anti-misinfo policies used by big tech platforms.
  • The Data Visualization Society launched as a global nonprofit in 2019. Its journal, The Nightingale, recently moved from Medium to its own website and offers evergreen how-to's as well as news from the data viz world.


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