Learn about Google Books Ngram Viewer at Hacks/Hackers Boston on Feb. 9

Come learn about Google’s cool new tool: Ngram at the next Hacks/Hackers Boston Meetup on Wednesday, February 9, 2011 7 p.m. at Google’s Cambridge offices at 5 Cambridge Center, 3rd floor in Kendall Square (news when it opened!)

The Google Books Ngram Viewer lets people track how phrases in books have waxed and waned throughout the centuries. Building on top of the 15 million books that libraries and publishers have given to Google for scanning, it provides a simple and quick visual interface for illustrating trends in usage. Jon Orwant, the leader of Google’s Digital Humanities effort and co-creator of the tool, will discuss how it came to exist and show some ways it’s being used for both academic and casual purposes.

Zach Seward maintains a lovely tumblr of interesting ngrams at ngrams.tumblr.com.

Jon Orwant is Engineering Manager at Google, where he works on Book Search, Patent Search, visualizations, and the digital humanities. He’s the author or co-author of several books on programming, including the bestselling Programming Perl, and once published an independent computer magazine. Before joining Google he was the CTO of O’Reilly & Associates and Director of Research for France Telecom. He received his doctorate from MIT’s Electronic Publishing Group in 1999.

When: Wednesday, February 9, 2011 7:00 PM

Where: Google

5 Cambridge Center, 3rd floor

Cambridge, MA 02142

Free! RSVP at Meetup.com