Majority of journalists consider stats and studies very important

Hello, hacks and hackers! John Wihbey, a journalism professor at Northeastern University, surveyed journalists for his new book The Social Fact: News and Knowledge in a Networked World, where he explores how "the structure of news, information, and knowledge and their flow through society are changing."

In this write-up in NiemanLab, he found that most journalists thought it was "very important" to be able to interpret statistics from sources and research studies. Unfortunately, most also reported that they were not very well equipped to do so.

Happening this week:

Worth a read:

  • To illustrate possibilities with R’s ggplot2 data viz package, Etoma Egot created a data viz dashboard using the Titanic dataset that includes characteristics from passengers, like age, sex, class and survival (Towards Data Science)
  • Netflix’s TechBlog wrote a post about how they use Python and include links to several of the tools they employ (Netflix TechBlog)
  • Andrea Wenzel, a Temple University professor, talked to 58 news consumers around the US to see how they deal with fake news online (NiemanLab)

Upcoming events:

Month Day City Country Event
May 13-17 San Francisco US The Web Conference
May 16-19 Mechelen Belgium European Investigative Journalism Conference
May 17-19 Prague Czech Republic Wikimedia Hackathon
May 24-28 Washington, D.C. US ICA Conference
May 27-28 Bonn Germany DW Global Media Forum
June 1-3 Glasgow UK World News Media Conference
June 11-14 Tunis Tunisia RightsCon Tunis
June 13-15 Athens Greece GEN Summit
June 13-16 Houston US Investigative Reporters & Editors Conference
June 19-21 Cape Town South Africa Global Fact-Checking Summit
July 19-21 Toronto Canada International Conference on Social Media & Society
August 6-10 Accra Ghana PyCon Africa
September 26-29 Hamburg Germany Global Investigative Journalist Conference
October 4 Cambridge, MA US Workshop on Disinformation at Harvard
October 4-5 London UK Conference for Truth and Trust Online

Job openings:

Location Employer Opening
UK The Economist Data Visualisation Designer
US Alley Software Developer, Remote
US Al Jazeera Principal Technical Product Manager, API & Data
US Al Jazeera Principal Product Manager, Websites
US Al Jazeera Principal Technical Product Manager, Workflow
US Columbia University Mentors for Lede Program students
US Dartmouth College Digital Editor
US GQG Partners Analyst/Journalist
US Texas Tribune Engagement Producer
US University of Kansas Knight Chair in Audience and Community Engagement for News (Professor of the Practice)

Other opportunities:

Deadline Fund
Rolling Solutions Journalism Network Freelance Fund
Rolling Ukraine Media Development Fund
Rolling Contest fees for submitting solutions stories
May Emerging City Champions 2019 $500k fellowship
May Apply for ProPublica’s 2019 Data Institute training