Monetizing and remote working for the year of Covid

Welcome back, hacks and hackers! It's a tough world out there, and many, if not most, news organizations are taking a financial hit during coronavirus. More outlets are transitioning to full-time remote, and this week we have all-remote jobs.

In other job news, News Revenue Hub is hiring a contract analyst, due tomorrow, and NiemanLab has some tips for transitioning your whole team to remote work.

The week ahead:

Worth a read:

  • The BBC's new director general is not instituting a subscription model, saying it would cleave the outlet to certain demographics
  • BuzzFeed News uncovered Muslim concentration camps using masked tiles in the popular Baidu mapping platform
  • GIJN is launching a series called Digging into Disappearances for journalists investigating organized crime and missing people. There are online webinars available in English, Spanish and French

Job postings:

Upcoming events:

Other opportunities: