More conferences move online

If you haven't heard, SRCCON is moving online. So are the joint NABJxNAHJ conference and the Collaborative Journalism Summit happening next month.

Luckily, that might mean you can attend conferences you've never attended before. Use the Upcoming Events list in this newsletter to keep track of updated journalism events.

Updated events:

The week ahead:

Worth a read:

  • The Knight Center is partnering with WHO and UNESCO to offer a free online course this May called "Journalism in a pandemic: Covering COVID-19 now and in the future" (Knight Center)
  • Amazon Web Services created a data lake of up-to-date COVID-19 datasets and made them accessible thru its data catalog for both AWS and third-party tools (Amazon)
  • News orgs around the world are becoming more transparent about uncertainty when reporting the latest updates on COVID-19 knowing that information can change as more is learned about the virus and its effects (Nieman Lab)

Job openings:

Upcoming events:

Other opportunities: