Nairobi talks transparency; job postings pile up across the globe

Happy holidays, hacks and hackers, to those of you celebrating. To everyone else, I hope you are staying warm (or cool, depending on your hemisphere). Many groups are either celebrating or hibernating right about now, but job postings are up in other parts of the world – check out the list below:
Group spotlight:
The Hacks/Hackers Africa group in Nairobi met last week to discuss how digital activism can aid government accountability, and vice versa. Organizer Florence Sipalla wrote about the talk on the H/H Africa blog:
Serah Njambi Rono, who used to organize in Nairobi, suggested other organizers start a habit of recapping or blogging about their events. A volunteer blogger will take notes, interact with the audience and even sometimes interview the speakers.
“This ensures that other Hacks/Hackers groups the world over know what your group is up to and can borrow a leaf, serve as grounds for collaboration, et al.”
Worth a read:
- In a bid to boost local and independent journalism, the Knight Foundation is matching donations to 57 outlets in a program called #newsmatch (Knight Foundation)
- Brazilian journalists are trying to expand transparency in Brazil, which is also experiencing social media-induced polarization like the U.S. (NiemanLab)
- The NYT public editor criticized the newsroom for preaching diversity in other places but not prioritizing its own diversity problem (NYT)
- The Atlantic’s election coverage led them to try new story formats, which they will keep after the election (NiemanLab)
Job openings:
- Africa:
- CodeforAfrica is hiring half a dozen “research/tech ninjas“
- ICFJ is looking for a consultant for its Knight Fellowship program
- WITS Academy’s journalism department is hiring a web editor and lecturer
- Right2Know, a free speech and transparency activist group, needs a communications specialist
- Asia:
- ICFJ seeks four journalists or technologists for a an international journalism fellowship in India
- South China Morning Post is looking for a director of data analytics and insights
- Latin America:
- ICFJ needs a data viz developer who speaks Spanish
- North America:
- CNN Tech has a reporter opening
- Slate is also looking for a tech reporter
- American Press Institute offers a fellowship to advance media innovation
- Vineyard Gazette in Martha’s Vineyard offers a six-week data journalism fellowship
- WSJ seeks a global visuals editor
Upcoming events:
- January:
- 11 – Cybersecurity Institute for Journalists seminar at the National Press Club
- 15-18 – Cape Town, South Africa – UN World Data Forum
- 21 – Berlin, Germany – “Hashtag, High Tech, Hackmac” data journalism day
- 27-28 – Odense, Denmark – NODA17, the Nordic Data Journalism Conference
- February:
- 6 – Paris, France – News Impact Summit