New grant for investigative projects
The Google News Initiative and Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism are partnering to create The Data-Driven Reporting Project which offers financial and training support for journalists working on document-based investigative projects.
The $2 million fund is open to support projects that serve local and/or underrepresented communities in the US and Canada, and the deadline to apply is April 8.
Worth a read:
- A report from Montclair State University looks at the effects of projects where news organizations collaborated with outside organizations, and found that they can widen audiences and bring about more impact, especially in topics like government corruption, environment and social justice.
- Poynter made a list of nine ways to fix and learn from corrections on articles, and how to have more empathy for yourself and your colleagues when receiving corrections.
- When scrolling through your Twitter feed, you may notice that most of the tweets that show up aren’t from anyone you follow. A Nightingale writer did an analysis of his Twitter feed to find out more about how Twitter’s algorithm works.
Upcoming events:
- April 7, Perugia, Italy, MisinfoCon @ IJF
- April 6-10, Perugia, Italy, International Journalism Festival
- April 13-May 18, Online, AP Local News AI Readiness Workshops
- May 19-20, Chicago, US, Collaborative Journalism Summit
- May 19-22, Mechelen, Belgium, Dataharvest
- June 6-10, Online, RightsCon
- June 20-21, Bonn, Germany, DW Global Media Forum
- June 22-24, Minneapolis, US, SRCCON
- June 22-25, Oslo, Norway, Global Fact Conference
- June 23-26, Denver, US, IRE
- June 27-30, Honolulu, US, EWC International Media Conference
- June 27-July 1, Medellín, Colombia, World Conference of Science Journalists
- July 8-13, Shanghai, China, World Journalism Education Congress
- July 15-17, Couthures-sur-Garonne, France, Festival International de Journalisme
- August 25-27, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Media Party
Job postings:
- Anywhere - CalMatters, Full Stack Developer
- Anywhere - CalMatters, Jr. Product Designer
- Anywhere - Stacker, Multiple data roles
- Nigeria - AFP, Fact-Checking Journalist
- UK - Bureau of Investigative Journalism, Impact Producer
- US - CNBC, Data Visualization Journalist
- US - Dallas Morning News, Data Editor
- US - FiveThirtyEight, Sr. Visual Journalist
- US - Pew Research Center, Web Developer
- US - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Data Reporter