New grants, calls for proposals, and a healthy Internet

Evening, hacks and hackers. A slew of innovation grants and residency programs, headed by one of Hacks/Hackers's original founders, Burt Herman, have been announced by the US-based Lenfest Institute. Priority is given to Philadelphia-area projects, but it's applicants can work from anywhere.

Check out the sections on job and funding opps for more details. And if you've got a moment, please help Mozilla measure the health of the Internet. They extended the deadline to the 16th, and input is greatly appreciated.

The week ahead:

Worth a read:

  • The push for journalistic transparency calls for sharing source documents with the public, but that can be tough if the docs where leaked to you by a confidential source. H/H IRE founder Ted Han co-authored a guide for OpenNews (Source)
  • The Knight Center released an ebook called Innovative Journalism in Latin America, available in English and Portuguese (Knight Center)
  • Another report, by the Columbia Journalism Review, examined new models for invstigative reporting, like ICIJ's Panama Papers project (CJR)

Job openings:

Location Employer Opening
Anywhere Lenfest Institute Entrepreneur in residence
Brazil BBC Multimedia editor
Hong Kong South China Morning Post Front-end web developer
US Louisville Courier-Journal Investigative data reporter
US Bloomberg Television Tech producer
US National Geographic Partners Senior creative developer
US CNN Investigations producer
US WBEZ Interactives producer
US First Look Media Senior backend engineer

Upcoming events:

Month Day City Country Event
June 12-16 Boston US Storytelling with Data workshop
June 15-18 Detroit USA Allied Media Conference
June 19-21 Bonn Germany Global Media Forum on identity and diversity
June 20-23 Portland USA Open Source Bridge
June 21-22 Phoenix USA INN Days, business training for nonprofit newsrooms
June 21-23 Vienna Austria Global Editors Network summit
June 22-25 Phoenix USA Investigative Reporters & Editors IRE Conference
June 23-25 McLean USA Data Intelligence & Machine Learning Conference
June 29 Hamburg Germany News Impact Summit on truth, tech & community
June 29-30 Nairobi Kenya Data for Development in Africa conference
July 5-7 Madrid Spain Global Fact-Checking Summit
July 6-7 Dublin Ireland European Data and Computational Journalism Conference
July 13-15 Lima Peru Latin American Annual Meeting of Entrepreneurial and Innovative Journalism
July 19-21 New York USA textAV working group on audio and video
August 17-19 Denver USA WordCamp for Publishers, a Wordpress event
August 31-1 Grahamstown South Africa Highway Africa conference on media, accountability and local governance
September 14-16 Miami USA Digital Humanities + Data Journalism Symposium
October 4-5 New York USA Future of Storytelling Summit
October 13-14 Evanston USA Computer + Journalism Symposium

Project funding:

Deadline Name Organization Description
Rolling MisinfoCon micro-grant MisinfoCon Small grants for experimental projects that fight misinformation
Rolling Freelance Fund Solutions Journalism Network Small travel stipends for reporters working on "solutions journalism"
June Local news innovation grants Lenfest Institute Grants for experimenting, seeding and amplifying innovative news ventures
June NED grant National Endowment for Democracy Grants for innovative media projects that support democracy
June FRIDA Grants LACNIC Funding for an innovative communications project in Latin America
June Collaborative journalism grant Center for Cooperative Media Grants for journalism collaborations
June TruthBuzz ICFJ Cash prize for creative solutions to fact-checking
July Next Journalism Award Nieman Foundation Funding for innovative journalism project in Europe
July FoST Prize Future of Storytelling Monetary award for innovative and cutting-edge storytelling projects
September INN Days reimbursement INN Travel stipends for INN member newsrooms traveling to INN Days in Phoenix