Newsletter: Nov. 18, 2015: Hacks and hackers gathering in Munich, Lima, Los Angeles and more | Spotlight on Buenos Aires

Happy Wednesday! Watch for news soon from Hacks/Hackers about the next Connect events in New York, San Francisco and London.

The week ahead:

Job openings:

Group spotlight: Hacks/Hackers Buenos Aires

Hacks/Hackers Buenos Aires has more than 5000 members on Meetup, and held its 50th event this past week. The group held its first event way back in April 2011. More recently, you might’ve heard about the awesome (and well-attended) Media Party that the group hosted in August:


You can see videos from the Media Party on the Hacks/HackersBA’s YouTube channel.

Worth a read:

Call to action: Be inspired.

Last week, we asked what great data journalism you’ve seen done about the migration and refugee crisis. Here are the responses, in hopes that they can both inform and inspire you, as the best projects can:

  • The Refugee Project: “The Refugee Project is an interactive map of refugee migrations around the world in each year since 1975. UN data is complemented by original histories of the major refugee crises of the last four decades, situated in their individual contexts.” via Jacqui Maher
  • Two Billion Miles by Channel 4 News: “Follow in the footsteps of migrants and refugees as they face the hardships of months on the road. Choose your route and make tough decisions in this interactive video story, featuring real footage from extraordinary journeys made this year.”  via Jacqui Maher
  • The Migrant Files, reported by “a consortium of journalists from over 15 European countries.” It won the Global Editors Network’s Data Journalism Award in 2014 for single-topic stories.  via Stephan Faris

That’s it for this week. Have an excellent rest of your day.

Produced by Julia Haslanger, @JuliaJRH

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