Propose a workshop for the 2020 Media Party

Hello, hacks and hackers! The lineup has been announced for the 2020 Buenos Aires Media Party. You can now submit workshop proposals for the conference, which is happening online from September 16-18.

Workshop proposals are due at the end of next week and can be submitted in either English or Spanish.

The week ahead:

Worth a read:

  • What exactly is a knowledge graph? GIJN explains how to understand and implement these networks to expand your ability to research and track relations between sources.
  • With TikTok gaining more notoriety worldwide, GIJN created a guide on how to do investigative journalism on the platform, like how to download user profile information.
  • Professors from universities around the world wrote a paper on The Computational Limits of Deep Learning that analyzes the computation, economic, and environmental costs that come with deep learning tools gaining more prominence.

Job openings:

Upcoming events:

Other opportunities:

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