SRC CON session shares

Welcome, hacks and hackers! If you missed it, SRC CON took place last weekend, and it's one of the Hacks/Hackers-iest conferences out there.

You can find session transcripts, tips on using the sessions, and updates on the event itself on the Open News website.

The week ahead:

Worth a read:

  • This Twitter thread is an aggregated list of ways that news nerds have documented how they built databases and database apps (plus a free IRE tipsheet to boot) (Twitter)
  • A group of orgs including the UN and OAS released a joint statement on the state of global online Freedom of Expression in 2019 (Knight Center)
  • Programs like Jupyter Notebook may have replaced Excel in your workflow, but it can be walk your editor through the process. This writeup lists solutions on how to export your work so it’s easier for others to understand (Towards Data Science)

Upcoming events:

Month Day City Country Event
August 6-10 Accra Ghana PyCon Africa
August 14-19 Riga Latvia Investigative Reporter Summer School
September 9-10 New Orleans US ASNE News Leaders Conference
September 12-14 New Orleans US Online News Association Conference
September 16-20 Fukoka Japan W3C TPAC
September 26-27 Copenhagen Denmark News Impact Academy: Newsroom Leadership
September 26-29 Hamburg Germany Global Investigative Journalism Conference
October 4 Cambridge US Workshop on Disinformation at Harvard
October 4-5 London UK Conference for Truth and Trust Online
October 7 Birmingham UK News Impact Summit: A New Era for Climate Change Reporting
October 14-16 Ljubljana Slovenia IPTC Autumn Meeting
October 21-22 Bucharest Romania News Impact Academy: What Analytics Matter in 2019
October 21-27 London UK MozFest
October 23-25 Munich Germany Medientage Munchen
October 28-30 Johannesburg South Africa African Investigative Journalism Conference
November 15 Lyon France News Impact Summit: Covering Politics in the Misinformation Age
December 6 Munich Germany News Impact Summit: Identity and Inclusion in Local News

Job openings:

Location Employer Opening
Pakistan Reuters Bureau Chief
South Africa Reuters Senior Equities Correspondent
UK The Register Data Centres Reporter
UK Reuters Video Senior Producer
US AJ+ Head of Audience Development
US AJ+ Head of Graphics
US AJ+ Audience Development Strategist
US AJ+ Data Analyst
US Bangor Daily News Political Data Journalist
US Dallas Morning News Audience Development Editor
US FiveThirtyEight Research Assistant
US Louisville Business First Digital Editor
US Minneapolis Star Tribune Audience Engagement Producer
US NPR 2020 Election Contract Positions
US Solutions Journalism Network Project Director
US Solutions Journalism Network West Coast Manager
US VTDigger Data Reporter

Other opportunities:

Deadline Fund
July 21 LEDE Fellowship
July 22 Google News Initiative Innovation Challenge
July 30 Freedom of Expression Awards Fellowship
August 1 Nominate work for the AAAS Science Journalism Awards
August 31 Grant for UAV drone data innovations
September 8 Brazilian Data Journalism Award
September 23 FIJ grant to cover US-focused watchdog stories
September 27 Apply to be a Knight Visiting Nieman Fellow
Rolling Solutions Journalism Netw Freelance Fund
Rolling Ukraine Media Development Fund
Rolling Contest fees for submitting solutions stories