Starting the year with 115 groups and more to come

Welcome to 2019, hacks and hackers! In 2018, Hacks/Hackers grew by seven groups on four continents, bringing us up to 115 groups around the world, and more in the works. Local groups held more than 100 events, from fake news in Dar es Salaam to crowdsourcing in Berlin.

The week ahead:

Worth a read:

  • 2018 was a big year for spreading misinformation, but also for encouraging fact-checking. Poynter highlighted some of the top stories in fact-checking (Poynter)
  • NiemanLab compiled a list of fake news-related predictions and preparations for 2019 from journalists around the globe (NiemanLab)
  • One of those predictions is seeing continued success from nonprofit media leaders, especially in collaborative projects (Nonprofit Quarterly)

Upcoming events:

Month Day City Country Event
January 7-11 Amsterdam Netherlands Digital Methods Winter School
January 31 Stirling Scotland MisinfoConX Scotland
February 1-2 Miami US Computation + Journalism Symposium
February 19-20 Stanford, CA US Data on Purpose
March 7-10 Newport Beach US CAR Conference
April 1-5 Valencia Spain Internet Freedom Festival
April 4-5 Gdańsk Poland Personal Democracy Forum
April 3-7 Perugia Italy International Journalism Festival
April 12-13 Austin US International Symposium on Online Journalism
May 17-19 Prague Czech Republic Wikimedia Hackathon
June 11-14 Tunis Tunisia RightsCon Tunis
June 13-16 Houston US Investigative Reporters & Editors Conference
June 19-21 Cape Town South Africa Global Fact-Checking Summit
July 19-21 Toronto Canada International Conference on Social Media & Society

Job openings:

Location Employer Opening
US The Center for Public Integrity Audience Engagement Editor
US The Los Angeles Times Design Director, Digital
US The Los Angeles Times Graphics and Data Visualization Reporter
US NBC Washington Visuals Producer
US Newsday Editorial Data Analyst
US Pacific Business News Digital Producer
US Pacific Business News Web Editor
US Pew Research Center Intern, Digital Design
US ProPublica Editor for Audience and Engagement
US The Southern Poverty Law Center Director of Research, Intelligence Project

Project funding:

Deadline Fund
Rolling Solutions Journalism Network Freelance Fund
Rolling Ukraine Media Development Fund
Rolling Contest fees for submitting solutions stories
January Journalism scholarships for software developers
January Entrepreneurial Journalism cohort
January Politico Journalism Institute applications
January RJI 2019 Fellowships
February Become a Report for America corps member