Three Nigeria meetups this week

Hi there, hacks and hackers! The Nigeria trio - Abuja, Benin and Lagos - are discussing why data matters in an upcoming triple meetup.

Plus, if you're in the London area, there's still time to attend Hacks/Hackers' event, MisinfoCon at this weekend's MozFest.

The week ahead:

Worth a read:

  • Whether you need a reference or a refresher, this guide to common data science concepts is a helpful resource when approaching complex data analysis techniques (Towards Data Science)
  • With the new JavaScript ES2019 update comes a lot of new features and additions like optional chaining, and you can start using some of them right now (LogRocket)
  • Large outlets like the NYT and the LA Times are paywaling their updates on the California power outages while smaller regional papers are making their content on the fires free (NiemanLab)

Upcoming events:

Month Day City Country Event
October 21-22 Bucharest Romania News Impact Academy: What Analytics Matter in 2019
October 21-27 London UK MozFest
October 23-25 Munich Germany Medientage Munchen
October 28-30 Johannesburg South Africa African Investigative Journalism Conference
November 8-11 Cambridge, MA US WikiConference North America
November 15 Lyon France News Impact Summit: Covering Politics in the Misinformation Age
December 6 Munich Germany News Impact Summit: Identity and Inclusion in Local News
March 5-8 New Orleans, LA US NICAR Conference
March 20-21 Boston, MA US Computation & Journalism Symposium

Job openings:

Location Employer Opening
Anywhere The Pudding Creative Technologist
China South China Morning Post Senior Product Manager
Qatar Northwestern University Documentary & Visual Comm Professor
Qatar Northwestern University Strat Comm Professor
UK New Statesman Web Developer
US CBS Web Producer
US DataMade Developer
US The Markup Audience Engagement Producer
US Minnesota Public Radio Web Developer
US US News Data Reporter
US Wall Street Journal Graphics Editor

Other opportunities:

Deadline Fund
October 31 $10,000 storyLAB Data Journalism Grant
December 13 Submit student data viz examples and get free conference entry
Rolling ECFJ grants for stories on elections, AI, disinformation, etc.
Rolling Solutions Journalism Network Freelance Fund
Rolling Ukraine Media Development Fund
Rolling Contest fees for submitting solutions stories