Tools for data reporting in small newsrooms

Hello, hacks and hackers! The Associated Press just released a command-line tool called AP DataKit to make it easier for journalists to view and collaborate with data using standardized templates (in R or Python).

On that note, OpenNews just whipped up a new data-review program for lone data journalists in smaller newsrooms to be paired up with a peer coach who will help double check analyses and offer guidance.

The week ahead:

Worth a read:

  • Members of the Data Visualization Society discussed what traits make a data visualization elegant and wrote up their thoughts in this Medium piece (Nightingale)
  • A journalism-themed Hackathon in Prague gathered 93 participants to develop digital tools for independent media, and the winning project wrote a script to help verify whether Twitter trends are legitimate or artificially created by bots (RFE/RL)
  • Researchers analyzed local news stories on Facebook and found that more than half of local news on Facebook covers critical information related to health, economy and the environment (NiemanLab)

Upcoming events:

Month Day City Country Event
September 26-27 Copenhagen Denmark News Impact Academy: Newsroom Leadership
September 26-29 Hamburg Germany Global Investigative Journalism Conference
October 4 Cambridge US Workshop on Disinformation at Harvard
October 4-5 London UK Conference for Truth and Trust Online
October 7 Birmingham UK News Impact Summit: A New Era for Climate Change Reporting
October 14-16 Ljubljana Slovenia IPTC Autumn Meeting
October 21-22 Bucharest Romania News Impact Academy: What Analytics Matter in 2019
October 21-27 London UK MozFest
October 23-25 Munich Germany Medientage Munchen
October 28-30 Johannesburg South Africa African Investigative Journalism Conference
November 15 Lyon France News Impact Summit: Covering Politics in the Misinformation Age
December 6 Munich Germany News Impact Summit: Identity and Inclusion in Local News

Job openings:

Location Employer Opening
China Wall Street Journal Web Editor
US Bloomberg Businessweek Graphics Editor
US Chalkbeat Graphic Designer/Project Manager
US Chalkbeat UX Research Consultant
US Hazen and Sawyer Graphic Designer (Infographics)
US National Geographic Senior Graphics Editor, Cartography
US News Catalyst Deputy Director, Product
US News Catalyst Developer
US Northeastern University Data Journalism/Digital Storytelling Professor
US Philadelphia Inquirer Interactive Developer
US Rivard Report Audience Engagement/Development Editor
US San Francisco Chronicle Newsroom Director of Audience
US WETA Data Science/Digital Media News Assistant

Other opportunities:

Deadline Fund
September 23 FIJ grant to cover US-focused watchdog stories
September 27 Apply to be a Knight Visiting Nieman Fellow
September 27 EU grant for projects on media freedom & investigative journalism
October 31 $10,000 storyLAB Data Journalism Grant
Rolling ECFJ grants for stories on elections, AI, disinformation, etc.
Rolling Solutions Journalism Network Freelance Fund
Rolling Ukraine Media Development Fund
Rolling Contest fees for submitting solutions stories