Workshops still open for the HHBA Media Party

Hello, hacks and hackers! Don't forget that workshop proposals are open for the upcoming Hacks/Hackers Media Party, open for the first time online.

Workshops will be focused on teaching hands-on tools, while Sofa Hubs will be more of an open discussion. Submit your idea today!

Worth a read:

  • Two big problems facing the world right now are "fake news" and the coronavirus. A third? Countries cracking down on "fake news" because of the coronavirus.
  • In only a few days, a university student learned to use an AI model, generated a blog post with it, reached the top spot on Hacker News, and even accrued a few subscribers.
  • Should you use an all-in-one data science software, for streamlining, or combine more specific tools? Two O'Reilly authors debate.

Upcoming events:

Other opportunities: